Best Scottish Accent Ever! Kevin Patterson with Tweedswood

I conducted this interview with Kevin Patterson of Tweedswood Fishing in June of 2007. To this day I don’t think I’ve ever heard a cooler Scottish accent. Kevin at that time was a mason, and a master fly fisherman - and a heck of a nice guy. We talked later about the movie Braveheart, and he took me down to Melrose Abby after lunch. Melrose is awesome and the people are super nice. I’ll share more of my conversations with Kevin in future vids. Kevin - if you’re out there, give me a shout. You’re tops in my book! - Year 2020 Update! Here’s a video of me catching up with Kevin on a Facetime call. He’s hilarious, and gives some great Scotland travel tips: Here’s a link to me translating Kevin’s Scottish: Here’s a link to Kevin showing me Melrose Abby: Here’s a link to the Tweedswood Fishing website (very cool): Here’s a link to Kevin and me talking about Braveheart and William Wallace:
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