Estas Tonne & Family || Castle, Bubbles and a Whirling Sound

Once upon a time in a Schloss Schule, Austria I had an intention to write some thoughts about this video but after reading Estas reflection, there is nothing really to add. Just a big Thank you to all the Family who helped to co-create this event. G.D. Estas Thoughts: For us getting on stage is to live the purest form of what we are without any distortion. Once having this reference point of what purity is, we can apply it to our everyday experience. It’s not an easy task yet inevitable, as nothing stays the same and what looks as a challenge today, tomorrow could be viewed as a lesson, and in a week time as an experience. Life keeps evolving. There might be challenges, technical difficulties, emotions followed by great applause or a complete silence…And no matter what happens, the man keeps on whirling…Generating energy, allowing life to expend itself… Thanks for and to being! Featuring: Reka Fodor Aramis Gehberger (Dr. Bubbles) Raji Chorésophe Estas Tonne
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