twisted wonderland collab (twst spoilers and minor flash warning)

riddle : pixiv: 5494559 and twt: uji_usi azul : pixiv: 82442331, 83633048, 83559532, lila : pixiv :2379293, 4382242, 2799854, 55555629, 137756, 14262647 kalim: yanagibakiriko on twt i wanted to post this on here for fun but yea on my instagram kanrojius too intro- porkbvns part 1- daisunei (riddle) part 2- kanrojius (azul) part 3- porkbvns (lilia) part (kalim) please go support all the users! we all enjoyed making this ^^ also minor mistake is the pomefiore coffin in the intro,,, its meant to be octavinelle but please dont mind it ! ALSO I DO NOT OWN THE GAME TWISTED WONDERLAND NOR THE CHARACTERS. It belongs to the rightful owners, aniplex and disney.
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