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Be proud of being the odd one out, the misunderstood, the strange. Rarity is often an unexpected source of beauty.
No matter what they say...
An experiment mixing female vocals, ambient, electronica and dubstep accents. Don’t expect this to be a New Age song from me (this time ;-)
And yes, the video has RATS. If you are afraid, look closer you might find them cute. I have myself two Tuula and Ritva (aka fufunchis) and they and their friends from Piece of Heaven Rattery are the stars in the videoclip that you can watch in my youtube channel.
Tuula and Ritva (fufunchis)
Dastan, Evil dead, Valkiria, Demona y Takumi (Piece of heaven rattery)
Song featuring
Priscilla Hernandez: piano, pads, harp, flute, voice, lyrics and composition
Héctor Corcin: keyboards, second piano, drums, electronic arrangements, mixing and