Blipsqueak was released on November 24, 2016.
The Blipsqueak appears to have a humanoid figure, sporting arms and legs. However, it also seems to have robotic parts. Microphones replace the areas where ears would be and speakers replace the areas where its nose would normally be. Blipsqueak’s mouth is akin to the line on a heartbeat monitor, and creates waves when Blipsqueak sings. Its forearms and lower legs are a hot pink, with the other parts being a metallic grey. On each leg, two toes are present, with light pink toenails. For joints, it has black orbs with a small orange screw in the middle. At the end of its arms are similar looking joints, with an opening in the middle of the orange circle, where green lights flash. The most obvious part of the Blipsqueak is its head. A large, glass cylindrical dome is present, and inside are six eyeballs which float and occasionally glance around. It is slightly taller than Whajje, and sports stainless steel skin.
The upper parts of its arms and legs all have a fringe of pink fur at both ends of them, just before the joint. This could hint that they were covered with pink fur at some point, raising the question of if the fur is synthetic or not.
The monsters required to wake up Blipsqueak are present on its design: Toe Jammer’s liquid in the dome, PomPom’s pink fur, robotic equipment from Deedge and robotic voice reminiscent of Cybop’s, and the glowing parts from T-Rox’s spikelets, and Cybop‘s green eyes in its dome. It also has the toes of Toe Jammer.
Voice actress: Maggie Park
The Blipsqueak sings “Eyes... ears... nose... toes“ in a robotic accent. While singing, it points to its respective body parts using its green light (in order: eyes in dome, ear microphones, nose speaker, toes). As it goes through the four body parts, its arms get more and more behind its lyrics, with them being slightly early to eyes, almost exactly on cue with ears, slightly behind on nose, and noticeably late on toes. It also echoes the last sound of each English word, an “S“ sound that reverberates quickly 3-4 times.
My Singing Monsters is a 2012 video game franchise developed by Big Blue Bubble and published by Canada Media Fund. The first game of the series was released on September 4, 2012 for Apple iOS. Ports of the game for other operating systems were later released, including versions for Android, Amazon Kindle Fire, Barnes & Noble Nook, and Steam. The game was also released on the PlayStation Vita portable console. Since its release, My Singing Monsters has grown into a multimedia franchise, with a prequel, several spin-off games, books, live events and series, and a board game. On May 12, 2021, Big Blue Bubble announced that the series would be releasing its first console title, My Singing Monsters: Playground, on November 9, 2021.
#Blipsqueak #WublinIsland #Evolayersen
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