
四季调料系列(七):折耳根 西南地区的调味神剂,奇异口味的天花板,有人称它是食物界的终点。有多少人对它上瘾,大概就有多少人对它避而远之,我们当地叫它鱼腥草,对我和家人来说,对这股特殊的鱼腥味真的欲罢不能……泡水消炎,凉拌烧烤串串调味,恨不得一日三餐都吃它~ 对了,我们家只有一个人不会吃折耳根,他觉得折耳根的味道难以忍受,你们猜他是谁?(小小提示:当时吃饭的时候没有在) ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. Spices of Four Seasons (VII): Houttuynia Cordata It is an amazing spice from the southwest of China and the glass ceiling of strange foods. People also call it the end point of all foods. The number of people who are addicted to it almost equals the number of people who tried everything to stay away from it. Here in my hometown, we call it “plant with fishy taste“. For my family and I, we are very addicted to its special fishy taste. We will make tea with it to reduce the inner heat and we’ll also make cold dish
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