The teaching class last weekend on Raise Hands and Forward to White Crane Spreads its Wings

#taijiquan #taichi #Fajin #yangstyle Instructions from Raise Hands and Forward (提手上势) and ’Fetch the Moon from the Seabed’ (海底捞月) to ’White Crane Spreads its Wings’ (白鹤凉翅) were shown in videos from this weekend’s teaching. In the ’White Crane Spreads its Wings,’ there is an additional circular movement at the end to generate Fa-Jin, known as ’Fa the second returning Jin’ (发二回劲) using the internal silk reeling circle (Nei Chansi Chuan) or screwing Jin (Luo Xuan Jin), a technique inherited in Yang Shaohou Taijiquan of Gu Lisheng lineage. To examine the flow of Jin throughout the student’s body in depth, there must be accurate positioning and feeding Jin in every posture and movement. Once each posture/movement is understood correctly, there will be no impediment to Qi circulation, allowing Jin to be conveniently guided to the point of Jin’s application or Jin-Dian; this is also known as Shun (顺). Eventually, every student will comprehend Jin until they can generate Fa-Jin systematically.
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