THY CATAFALQUE - ’Vadak’ (2021) Full Album Stream

With ’Vadak’ Thy Catafalque puts forth an elegance that cannot be matched or rivaled by any musical contemporary, taking fans on an adventure that is rife with excitement, drama, and unbridled craftsmanship. Release date: June 25, 2021. ► Download/stream here: ► Order here: Tracklist: 00:00 - Szarvas 05:40 - Köszöntsd a hajnalt 10:05 - Gömböc 15:10 - Az energiamegmaradás törvénye 22:02 - Móló 32:07 - A kupolaváros titka 35:25 - Kiscsikó (Irénke dala) 39:12 - Piros-sárga 44:18 - Vadak (Az átváltozás rítusai) 56:45 - Zúzmara #Thycatafalque #Avantgardemetal #Vadak Follow Thy Catafalque: Subscribe to Season Of Mist for new releases : Follow Season Of Mist:
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