Listening to Astronauts from International Space Station and other adventures of R3TM&R1BIG

Did you know that astronauts are treated with alcohol before they are launched into space? Here is the second part of the adventures of two Female Russian Radio Amateurs in St. Petersburg: 00:01 CW Old Style ;-) 00:17 Maria R3TM on 2m band from the city of Petersburg 00:45 A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications 01:10 we hear ISS !! 02:15 why it is difficult to get sick in Orbit 03:07 now we go on Air on 20 meter band! If you would like to help me in the creation of optimistic Ham content please consider joining my Patreon or Youtube community : First video with Maria R3TM on Icebreaker Krassin: To watch more recent videos: My personal webpage: My other social media with Ham content:
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