Introduction to Cassette by Dan Worrall

More info: Cassette is an audio plug-in that emulates the sound of vintage cassette tapes and decks. It has been carefully modelled after exhaustive analysis of a high number of sound signals recorded into real tapes. Magnetic tape is not a sterile media. It will impart its own sound signature to signals recorded into it. These include a different frequency response, frequency dependent saturation, high-frequency compression, hiss, asperity noise and much more. Reproduction systems will also induce some of their fingerprint: wow, flutter, random high-frequency loss, crosstalk between channels, stereo unbalances and other. All of these little quirks and random fluctuations have been modelled in detail, imprinting instant nostalgia, movement and analog feel all around in its path. Cassette has been designed to be fun, pleasant to the ear and true to the medium.
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