Becker | Primeval Character Study

“The beauty of love as it was made to be“ _______________________________________________________________ Forgive the slow start, it gets faster. This is a character video for Becker, again.. but I think more in depth this time. The song is quite deep and it took me awhile to really grasp the meaing of it but I believe it is about understanding the true meaing of love and life. Not only love as in a couple but love with your friends and the relationships with them. And Becker was a mess of confusion from the first epi of S4 and the video tracks his progression throughout the series so far. We can definitly see him grow personality wise and character-wise. So hopefully we get to see some more sweet stuff on him in 2morro’s epi. And I had totally forgot there was a new epi when I was rendering the finished version so Im a little sad there will be no new stuff. But I think I can whip up a quick video after tomorrow’s show lol. PS. I should try not to pick a song with so man
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