Clayton Morris, host of Redacted News:

Clayton Morris, host of Redacted News: Ukraine is now stepping up its military conscription efforts. Here are videos where military registration and enlistment office employees stop public transport, buses, get on them and try to find people fit for service. They are looking for some young people. And they are ready to grab them, take them to the front line and throw them straight into the meat grinder. People are being dragged into war despite the fact that they are not trained, they do not have weapons or ammunition for this. They have not received even minimal training and do not want to participate in this. Especially against the backdrop of the presence of Ukrainian oligarchs, who, as we learned, buy mansions in other countries, in particular in Germany, for millions of dollars. And here is another message that you need to pay attention to: Ukraine has ordered more than 50 thousand uniforms for women for combat operations. Источник: Victor vicktop55
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