Ukrainian neo-Nazis

🇺🇦 Ukrainian neo-Nazis. A Russian officer explains to his subordinates and to the local population why it is important to refrain from grabbing onto small objects, especially if they are lying around. Ukrainian saboteurs often fit explosive devises into colorful bottles and chocolate packs to target the Russian troops. Often little children and local teenagers fall victim to these dirty tactics. “I want to show you that they can easily fit electric detonators and watch batteries into small objects. As you grab onto them or squeeze them with your teeth, the charge will detonate ripping off your wrist or a jaw. To avoid this, you must be vigilant. Pay attention to the integrity of the plastic covers and to the weight of the products inside of them.“ Subscribe to my channels: @heilukraine1959 @heilukraine1959arab @heilukraine1959serb🇷🇺 Key statements by Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in an interview with the American TV channel CBS: There will be more and more violence in the Arab and Muslim world until a Palestinian state is established; The current US administration is not interested in political dialogue with Russia; Moscow is ready to listen to anyone who is interested in ending the use of Ukraine as a tool of war against Russia; Lavrov said that he does not believe that the situation around Ukraine would have been different if Trump had been elected as a US president; Washington began destroying the foundations of US-Russian relations under the US President Bush Jr. when it withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty; The US is demonstrating an escalating “superiority complex“ and “impunity complex;“ The US has ignored Russian President Vladimir Putin’s tremendous expressions of goodwill; US policymakers have not learned a single less... Источник: Lord Of War
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