Holy Light Miracle! Paper does NOT burn!

I noticed one year that when I put my hand into the fire and it wasn’t burning, that my jacket wasn’t catching on fire. I wanted to test this more. So I thought what catches on fire easily??? Paper!!! So I’m putting paper into the fire and it took quite a few attempts before it caught on fire because eventually the Holy Light burns. Some say it burns after 3 minutes. I’ve had it several times and I can’t put a timeframe on it with my own experiences. From experience, even while the flame has the non burning qualities, if you go too close to the bottom, it burns. It tends not to burn in the top three quarters, but like I said, after a few minutes, the whole thing will start to burn. As a part of our ministry, translate Orthodox books into English. All of our apps are free but we need to sell these books to raise money to continue to pay translators and editors. We ask that you support us the best you can through the purchase of these spiritually profitable books so that w
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