DAY IN THE LIFE on a FARM | Morning Chores | February Edition

Come spend a day in the life of a stay-at-home-work-from-home-homeschooling-mom. On this wintery morning, I tend to the farm alone and take care of all the morning chores. My goal is always to get the farm chores done before the kids wake up. And on this beautiful morning, I was able to. This is the first of a Day in the Life monthly series that I intend to do for you this year. The goats are the most impatient. Many mornings I get knocked over as they try to push their way to the feed trough. They are phenomenal smart creatures…but most phenomenally stubborn. We raise Nigerian Dwarf goats because they give the creamiest, most delicious milk I have ever had. In this video, you will see me milk one of our dairy you will, also, see our sweet barn cat, Mimosa, waiting anxiously for her warm milk. Some of our goats are pregnant right now and due to kid in the early spring. I can hardly wait for baby goats to be hopping around the farm! With their milk, I am able to
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