Xu Kai 许凯 & Cheng Xiao 程潇 - Soulmate 第一默契 | Official MV (“Falling Into Your Smile“ OST《你微笑时很美》片尾曲)

As the end credit song for drama series “Falling Into Your Smile“, Xu Kai and Cheng Xiao’s duet of “Soulmate“ embodies Lu Sicheng and Tong Yao’s love story, as the pair get closer and closer to each other. Even though they got off on the wrong foot, their daily interactions began to blossom into a beautiful romance filled with love as well as passion for their shared dream. 相遇之初有小小摩擦,爱情却在并肩作战中悄然萌芽。面无表情,伪装冷静,在无法控制节奏的心跳中慢慢靠近,终于达成“从不要言语,目光传递讯息,全世界只我和你”的第一默契。主演许凯、程潇将陆思诚与童谣的感情历程付于片尾曲《第一默契》,超高颜值搭配绝佳CP感,视听双维度营造恋爱氛围。谱曲、作词分别由音乐人瞿子千和温莨完成,颇具故事感的歌词,随着轻快曲调娓娓道出,青春气息漫溢,每一句都令人怦然心动。 🎬 Falling Into Your Smil...e is now available to watch on YOUKU, WeTV, Astro TV, LINE TV and more. 🌎 “Falling Into Your Smi
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