Crash Bandicoot - Unused/Removed Level: Stormy Ascent

I’ve only known about this level for a year or so, since somebody mentioned it on my channel. I don’t know why, but I never bothered to search for a way to play it, or even find out if you could play it. Then jbreckmckye posted a video of it today and he was kind enough to include the code and explain how to play it. Obviously, I had to try it and I had to get the gem on it. I must say this is the hardest and quite possibly the best Crash Bandicoot level ever. It’s a shame they left it out of the game, as it only would have made an already excellent game better. Yeah, it’s hard, but it’s not that hard to beat normally. After all, there are three checkpoints here, contrary to Slippery Climb, which only has one. Getting the gem, however, is a nightmare, and I needed close to 50 attempts. There are three invisible tokens (probably Tawna) on this level, but the bonus stage it unlocks doesn’t exist, so getting all three will crash the game. You can see it in jbreckmckye
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