Жанна Бичевская: Донская баллада - текст

From the LP “Жанна Бичевская,“ Мелодия, C60-05123-24, USSR, 1974 По Дону гуляет казак молодой, А дева там плачет над быстрой рекой. О чем дева плачешь, о чем Слезы льешь? Ах, как мне не плакать, слез горьких не лить? Когда молодою к цыганке пошла, Цыганка гадала, за ручку брала. Сказала, утонешь в день свадьбы своей А милый мой тешит, чтоб не верила ей. Зовет он венчаться, он выстроил мост, Он выстроил мост, да на тысячу верст. Вот слышу, послышу мосточки гудут Наверно, наверно невесту везут. Вот конь, спотыкнулся и сшибся с моста. Невеста упала в круты берега. Во-первых, вскричала: “Прощай, мать, отец“, Во-вторых, вскричала: “Прощай, белый свет“, А в третьих, вскричала: “Прощай, милый мой, Наверно, наверно, не жить нам с тобой“. По Дону гуляет казак молодой, А дева, а дева под мутной водой. “David Hertzberg“ Zhanna Bichevskaya, a famous singer renowned for her peculiar ’country folk’ style, has always stood apart on the music stage. Though popular, she can’t be claimed a fashionable singer. Unlike anyone else, she always gives her own message from the stage, singing what is in accord with her spiritual quest, never playing up to the public. Nevertheless, she is loved by many people whose spiritual yearning she meets, this demand growing, both in Russia and abroad. According to Mick Jagger, ’Bichevskaya is an island of true, eternal art in the ocean of modern music’. Her influence on the popularity of folk songs can be compared to that of Joan Baez and Tracy Chapman. Her voice imparts the genuine Russian spirit, sincerity and warm-heartedness. Zhanna Bichevskaya Zhanna Bichevskaya was born on June 17, 1944 in Moscow. At the age of 17 she was presented with a guitar and started singing student, tourist and bard songs. Later, as a student of State college for art and variety art (1966-1971), she took up gathering and recording folk songs. While studying she also worked as a guitar teacher. Upon graduating from the college she became the soloist of the vocal and instrumental ensemble ’Dobry Molodtsy’ and from 1973 worked in the Mosconcert. “David Hertzberg“
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