Age limits on jobs - ageism or protecting the future?

Ageism is still an “acceptable“ form of discrimination in society, but is it needed in order to protect the future? Is there any justification to impose age limits to ensure the future doesn’t suck, or is the problem actually something else entirely, and what can we do about it? Thank you again to everyone who participated in the survey, this would have been a very different video without your input! Joe Biden recently stepped down, and people were calling for him to do so for ages from concerns about his age, but it’s not just Joe, it’s many others in positions of power who seem to cling to those positions well past typical “retirement“ time, where they’re making rules for a world they won’t be facing the consequences of. The same could be said for all workplaces too, so, let’s talk about it! Donate 🍉: Let’s conne
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