Sherlock Main Theme - The Sherlock Fan Orchestra Debut

The Sherlock Fan Orchestra present their debut piece: The Main Theme from ’Sherlock:’ Over 70 submissions from musicians all over the world have been received over two months in preparation for the release of our piece. You can download the mp3 here: Main Thank you to all participants, but there is more to come! Our next piece (as voted for by members) will be Pursuit. If you’d like to get involved, please e-mail sherlockfanorchestra@ with your: -Name -Instrument(s) -Ability/Standard on Instrument(s) -Contact e-mail address! In support of the group and to get updates, you can follow one of our co-directors, Matt, on Twitter (@matterhines), you can ’like’ our Facebook group () or you can sign up yourself! We also have a members-only group on Facebook, which you can get the link for via our e-mail addres
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