Why does 80s music sound so good?

Have you ever wondered why 80s pop music sounds so different from pop music made today? I show you why and I explain how you can make your own tracks the same way. * Since my use of the chord lettering “H“ has caused so much confusion, a little explanation is in order: This originates many hundreds of years ago when some sheet music arrived from Italy into Germany. They mistook the letter “b“ for “h“ and thus the confusion begun. Many countries in Europe, not only Germany use the letter “H“ where many other countries, among them USA would use the letter “B“. I come from Scandinavia and we’ve... always used the letter “H“ for this chord and note. If I’d known at the time I made this video that so many from other countries would watch the video, I would have used “B“ and I have been doing so in every other video coming after this. In short, just use “B“ where I say “H“ and you“re good
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