Final, who won: sambo man or bjj guy? Purple belts. IBJJF. Sila partera. Sambo academy

Me and my team wanted to improve the quality of our videos, help us understand what you would like to watch? 👉 Special offer: course “Tactics of stand up wrestling for SAMBO and BJJ“ and the course “Armbar” (as a gift) for one price 🤙🤙🤙 You can buy it following this link 👉 Final meeting for the first place in the IBJJF tournament. This is my first BJJ competition win. I am very excited and pleased with my victory. My Sambo tactics work in BJJ too. Let’s watch together. Leave your comment - that’s my best motivation for channel development and watch till the end. Become the best with the best! Ivan Vasylchuk - Sambo Academy 👉 subscribe 👉 Mission of the “SAMBO ACADEMY” project We
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