Voltron: Legendary Defender | Live Like Legends

Don’t worry, my channel isn’t turning into an AMVs only one. But I wanted to finish this today for a very special occasion, namely: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SARA! I’d be lying if I said I’d originally planned to finish this today, but when I realised it would be your birthday I couldn’t just let it go by without making you something, and what better way to celebrate than by vidding this show we’ve been fangirling over lately? I hope you had an awesome day full of lots of love, cake, presents, and bellarke, and have an even more amazing year! THIS SHOW, MAN. THIS SHOW! I could not be more grateful that Gin and Nabs convinced me to watch it, because I love it so much! It reminds me a lot of Avatar: The Last Airbender with its action, humour, depth and incredibly well written characters. If you haven’t seen it yet you should definitely give it a shot! All the episodes are on Netflix.
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