Christian Wolff - Stones (1969) // Pauline Oliveros - Rock Piece (1979)

Christian Wolff’s “Stones“ (1969) and Pauline Oliveros’s “Rock Piece“ (1979), performed by Loren Chasse (percussion), Tim DuRoche (percussion), Matt Hannafin (percussion), and Branic Howard (live sound augmentation) at the Extradition Series, Portland, Oregon, USA, April 23, 2016. This is an overlapping performance. “Stones“ is performed alone from 0’00 to 23’30. “Rock Piece“ begins when the percussionists begin to disperse from the stage and sound out the environment in all directions, sometimes playing the steady, independent, and non-entrained pulse called for in the Oliveros score, sometimes bringing in more textural elements that hark back to “Stones.“ Per the Oliveros score, the performance ends when the percussionists have concluded their exploration of the performance space and regrouped into a tight circle. Special thanks to Tim Westcott for sound reinforcement. The Extradition Series is a quarterly concert series
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