Anti-government rallies in Yerevan and pressure from Armenian radicals

0:00 – Introduction. What’s going on? 0:34 – Protesters in Yerevan try to monopolise the reality 1:44 – How Armenian radicals plan to destabilise the Caucasus 2:31 – Le Figaro promotes anti-Azerbaijani narratives 3:11 – The UN Security Council meeting concluded with nothing 3:37 – Margarita Simonyan calls for the overthrow of the government in Armenia 4:14 – Peace negotiations on Karabakh continue #UNSecurityCouncil #DestabilizationintheCaucasus #Azerbaijan #Garabakh #Armenianradicals #Antiterroristoperation #France #Armenia #SouthCaucasus #AZfront Made with Midjourney, HeyGen
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