I’M BACK. This is my first time putting this much work into something I genuinely made for myself, as a non-remix original, so it means a lot to me.
Real title: Exyl - SAVE THIS WRLD
Stream (all platforms):
Title track off the Save This World EP! Stream:
In canon ancient Egyptian mythology, a deceivingly wholesome goddess, Sekh, receives cruel orders from the sun gods to eradicate those who idolize any other. This project was overwhelming at first, because it felt like I was just making a typical idol waifu-themed project as something purely others would enjoy... Moreover, in the middle of the grind, I started exercising, going outside more, working on myself deeply. After scavenging my Egyptian heritage for a thread of authenticity, I found a suitable way to deepen the meanings of the megaproject for Every. Single. Scene. And I loved it.
Face reveal:
All socials:
𝐈 ● Can I use this song for YouTube or Twitch? Sure use it! Please credit me in your description. I had to deal with too many thieves & false claims, so to protect my work, you might get a pre-emptive claim from my friends at State51. If you wish to monetize your video, or would like to discuss a commercial license, please reach out!
𝐈𝐈 ● Buy album here //
𝐈𝐈𝐈 ● Merch:
𝐈𝐕 ● Bpm of the song is 120
𝐕 ● Discord //
𝐕𝐈 ● Spotify //
𝐕𝐈𝐈 ● Apple Music //
𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈 ● Soundcloud //
𝐈𝐗 ● Newgrounds //
𝐗 ● Epilepsy warning.
𝐗𝐈 ● The visuals are fully made by Exyl (me). To summarize how it was made, I used Blender for rigging, modelling, normals, shading, animating, prop design, and scene design... Then I switched over into After Effects for compositing. Blender is something that, I have been grindin’ at for eons, but AE was TOUGH, I scavenged the internet for bits of advice as usual. Nonetheless, it allowed me to make super clean text graphics, neat transitions, keyframes with a graph editor (premiere will NOT be missed) and even combining scenes together with certain blend modes.
𝐗𝐈𝐈 ● The singer is from various vocal packs on splice. I am not legally allowed to use her name as per the sample packs’ guidelines.
Sekhmet’s Anger.
This is what I like doing. It may flop, since it’s not my usual silly discord remix. I always underestimate the pace needed to complete a fully-fledged music video... Nonetheless, I accept that I won’t complete more than a few such mega projects, in my lifetime. Every year spent ameliorating the last details, is a year I get closer to bring y’all something that ought to stand the test of time.
#Exyl #Complextro
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