Bishops Green - Vengeance (Subtítulos Español)

Album: Pressure [2014] Web site: Youtube: Facebook: Letra: Made so many mistakes You’ve ruined many lives In your life, can’t you see You’ve stepped on too many feet You’ve called it what you want Still you turn your back, can’t you see You turned over a new leaf And we chopped it to the ground Two-faced, can’t you see It’s time it was done And you fuckin’ stepped down Pull the plug, we’ll wait and see No sympathy, no regrets, vengeance! Nota: “Pull the plug“ (Tirar del enchufe), quiere decir cuando alguien dice algo y se compromete a una acción, pero al rato se arrepiente, como cuando tiras el enchufe de algún aparato electrónico, cortando todo de golpe.
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