Dispelling the Fiber, Cholesterol, and Saturated Fat Myth | Dr. Zoe Harcombe PhD

Dispelling Fiber, Cholesterol, and Saturated Fat Myths with Dr. Zoe Harcombe | Thiago Lusvarghi 📸 Instagram - Zoe Harcombe twitter: Audio podcast: Affiliate link: Dr. Harcombe’s Book: Grass-fed protein/collagen/colostrum etc: 00:01 - US dietary guidelines and their lack of evidence on the relationship between animal protein and various diseases. 02:13 - Dr. Zoe Harcombe’s interest in diet and research stemmed from her brother’s diagnosis of type 1 diabetes 06:27 - Dispelling the myth that salt causes metabolic syndrome 08:31 - The cholesterol hypothesis is an oversimplification and not helpful for heart disease. 12:43 - Red meat does not cause heart disease and the evidence is lacking. 14:47 - Choose real food for the nutrients it provides. 18:42 - The forceful nature of guidelines promoting
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