Science of Manifesting in-depth Quantum Physics: Quantum jumping & Quantum field Explained
Science & manifestation: what is the correlation between quantum physics and manifestation? What is meant by the term quantum jumping? Is the law of attraction explainable with the laws of physics? Are thoughts frequencies or thought waves and do we have proof? This video gives a thorough understanding of why thoughts are frequencies, what we can measure in science, the difference between waves and particles, the wave-particle duality of Heisenberg, the relativity theory of Einstein, the quantum field theory and how this all can be linked back to manifestation, also including citations and equations. Einstein’s relativity theory revealed that there is more than the physical and that it is the mass that deforms space and time or creates time, through gravitational forces that deform space and time and lead to different observations. The video also critically discusses the limits of science, since we are talking about the non-physical world, which means beyond space and time and no defined location or mass. The second part addresses the practical aspect on how to use this knowledge to actually manifest, how to deal with fears and negative thinking, and how we need to understand the infinite possibilities of the universe.
Quantum physics and manifestation, Quantum mechanics and manifestation, Law of Attraction and quantum physics, Quantum field theory and manifestation, Quantum physics explained for manifestation, Quantum reality and manifestation, Quantum entanglement and manifestation, Quantum manifestation techniques, Quantum physics and the power of thought, Law of Attraction explained, Science of the Law of Attraction, Law of Attraction techniques, Law of Attraction and positive thinking, psychology, intention, power of the mind, manifestation techniques backed by science
0:00 - Intro
01:18 - Science: intro
02:45 - Science: Frequencies & thoughts as waves
05:01 - Science: Physics of particles (Einstein’s relativity)
08:13 - Science: Waves vs. particles
10:46 - Science: Wave-particle duality (Heisenberg)
12:37 - Science: Quantum field theory
15:44 - Science: Quantum jumping & manifestation
18:53 - Science: Conclusion
20:07 - Practical: how to use this knowledge to manifest
Image attributions
Electromagnetic spectrum: #query=electromagnetic spectrum&position=0&from_view=search&track=ais
Brain waves: #query=brain frequency&position=2&from_view=search&track=ais
Gravity curve space-time by Mysid, Wikipedia: #/media/File:
Excitation of electrons by Planetphysicsguy, Wikipedia. #/media/File:
Baillet, S., Mosher, J. C., & Leahy, R. M. (2001). Electromagnetic brain mapping. IEEE Signal processing magazine, 18(6), 14-30
Einstein, A. (1916). Relativity: The Special and General Theory, 1920 translation edn, H. Holt and Company, New York, NY, USA.
Heisenberg, W., Wheeler, J. A., & Zurek, W. H. (1983). Quantum theory and measurement. Zeitschrift für Physik, 43, 172-198.
Idris, Z. (2020). Quantum physics perspective on electromagnetic and quantum fields inside the brain. The Malaysian journal of medical
sciences: MJMS, 27(1), 1.
Nummenmaa, L., Glerean, E., Hari, R., & Hietanen, J. K. (2014). Bodily maps of emotions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(2), 646-651.
Rak, R. J., Kołodziej, M., & Majkowski, A. (2012). Brain-computer interface as measurement and control system the review paper.
Metrology and Measurement Systems, 427-444.
Rezaie, R., Simos, P. G., Fletcher, J. M., Juranek, J., Cirino, P. T., Li, Z., ... & Papanicolaou, A. C. (2011). The timing and strength of regional
brain activation associated with word recognition in children with reading difficulties. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5, 45.
Lajtner, T. (2016). Thought force is a new fundamental interaction. Physics Essays, 29(2), 239-247.
#lawofattraction #manifestation #quantumphysics #psychology #growth #selfdevelopment #selfhelp #growth
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