Massive missile attack on Ukraine, Counteroffensive at Bakhmut, Borrell threatens China, RF budget..
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00:00 Intro
1:53 Bakhmut; Ru Forces retreating
4:55 why? 2 scenario’s; 1) negotiations?
7:06 2) Shoigu, Gerasimov getting rid of Wagner?
9:50 Prigozhin on Bakhmut
11:00 Kherson counteroffensive misinfo
12:58 Khmelnytskyi (), ammo depo hit
15:06 Ukr; 175 infrastructure objects destroyed in 1 day
15:58 Uk Storm Shadow missiles hit Lugansk
18:15 Zaporozhya evacuation; 14k civilians
20:32 Germany; $3 billion arms deliveries (22:18 specifics)
23:55 Borrell; China should pressure Russia to withdraw forces from Ukraine
27:10 Zelensky afraid to lose Western support
29:33 Zaluzhny; ’Gerasimov is a good specialist’
33:00 telegram poll: 80% Gerasimov resign
34:39 RTE criticial of Kılıçdaroğlu statements on Russia
37:28 Patriot can’t shoot down a Kinzhal
40:19 G7 to spend another $40 in 1 year
41:19 Biden; ’USA will destroy its chemical weapons’
42:37 60 Rep Congressmen demand Biden medical check
44:19 Russia state budget deficit $45 billion
46:30 outro