2023 4K HIPHIZ 4seats( white) , External and internal details, very creative design

The interior exhibits HiPhi’s TECHLUXE approach, which aims to mix traditional luxury with innovative, evolving high technology. Like the HiPhi X the HiPhi Z can communicate with its surroundings via its PML (Programmable Matrix Lighting) like the Hiphi X with the HiPhi Z adding the world-first Star Ring ISD (Intelligent Signal Display) which allows messages and graphics to feature on the Z’s doors, these using over 4000 LEDs. The doors are opened via proximity sensors or facial recognition, a number of sensors within them ensuring the NT (No Touch) doors do so safely. The back doors for rear seat passengers are rear hinged, giving the HiPhi Z coach doors. Available in either four- or five-seat layouts, the HiPhi Z’s cabin is luxuriously appointed, with high quality materials throughout. The seats are all powered and feature heating and ventilation, with the cabin ringed in ambient light technology which can adapt to aid the driver by displaying warnings for the Advanced Driver Assist Syste
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