The touch of the Stars EXTREMELY POWERFUL!!! (Energetically Programmed)

Fully automated Kriya Yoga, ALL Kriya Yoga techniques are done automatically Transform your life into the life of your dreams Removes ALL blocks to manifest the life of your dreams, Dream total awareness of your life purpose and dream vocation, Dream vocation/work that expresses your life purpose and makes you the happiest and most fulfilled and financially abundant, Dream with total clarity and direct experience of who you really are on a human and spiritual level and dream with total clarity of what you desire on a human and spiritual level, Dream manifestation of all desires (as long as they do not derail your life purpose and calling), Intimate dream relationship with your twin flame / soul mate Dream sex life (including all the archetypes/skills/wisdom and transformations you need for your total fulfillment) Financial abundance from dreams, Dream physical body (body looks exactly the wa
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