Master Energy Healer - Subliminal

- Master Energy Healer - Master in Energy Medicine - Transmutation of Lower Vibrations into Higher Vibrations - Automatic Shielding of Lower Energies - Intuitive Knowledge of all Energetic Healing Techniques & Methods - Intuitive Knowledge of Vibrational Medicine & Energy Medicine - Able to Heal Aura & Chakras - Deep Intuitive Knowledge of the Energetic Systems of Human Body (Chakra Systems, Meridians, Chis, Nadis, Aura, etc) - Energy Sense & Detection - Energy Vision (Able to “see” Energy flow, patterns, and etc) - Reiki Mastery - Healing Aura & Energy - Intuitive Healing Description: This subliminal is designed to activate and awaken your energy healing abilities. This subliminal is useful for anyone who is into reiki or any form of energy healing. It will also expand your healing abilities and increase them to their highest and utmost form. I also recommend the book by Donna Eden for those who are into Energy Medicine and Energy Healing
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