The Harmonizer II² EXTREMELY POWERFUL!!! (Energetically Programmed)

This file was programmed for the harmonization of the universe. - It spreads love around the universe. - transmutes and harmonizes energies on all levels - universal cleansing - sweeping away negative energies - Clears the space around and spreads cleansing low energies - Disconnects all negative A.I.’s (removes all power from controlling A.I. mechanisms) - Transmutes karma on a planetary level for the benefit of all - Transmutes your personal karma ↷Sigh Energy uses frequencies, energetic, magnetic, and scalar wave commands that really work safely and effectively. All of the channel’s programs have been tested before, and for that reason they are here FREE to benefit the greatest number of people possible. The energetic information in the videos and mp3s work directly with your first level DNA (atomic) through resonance causes your changes, so it is important to play every day without fail. the
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