I HATE DEEPLY VEGAS. THERE ARE SOME ERRORS,I’M SORRY, BUT I CAN’T RE-RENDER IT BECAUSE VEGAS IS STUPID -.- Anyway thank you socia fot the help ç_ç And happy holydays, you miss me too much ç_ç ♥ After two days ( I’m very imspired xD) here is completed ♥ I think that it’s my last video for this summer because the next week, I’m left for my holydays finally xD I hope do you like!! Please ask me info for mp and don’t mention its on the comments. This is my main channel Also add and sub the Pandora Hearts Studios channel THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FAN-BASED AND I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP OF ANY ANIME SERIES, CHARACTER OR SONG USED IN IT. MY VIDS ARE PURELY FAN-MADE AND IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH THE SONG ARTIST OR THE ANIME COMPANY IN ANY WAY.
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