John Bull, “The King’s Hunt“, performed by Mario Sarrechia

From: “Ruckers me fecit Antverpiae. Music for Antwerp Keyboards 1560-1660“ Et’cetera Records KTC 1755 Harpsichord by Jean-Pierre Hemmeryckx (Neigem, 2018), after Andreas Ruckers (Antwerp, 1644), Collection Museum Vleeshuis | Klank van de Stad Recording, editing & mastering: Korneel Bernolet Recording venue: Begijnhofkerk, Antwerp Recordings dates: August 2020 This recording was made on the occasion of the exhibition “Kalvier/Keyboard instruments“, as part of the long-term collaboration between Museum Vleeshuis | Sound of the City, Antwerp and the Snijders&Rockoxhuis, Antwerp.
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