How to Make Pizza Flavored Nachos From The Dough in 30 Min

SUBSCRIBE ❥ 👉 MY MASTER CLASS PIZZA : 👈 This recipe is super easy and fast, today i teach you how to make my own invention: THE PIZZA NACHOS or chips they are super easy to remake and the don’t need any yeast or fermentation so is also very fast to make, i made this nachos in only 30 min, try and surprise your loved one, also i made a special sauce italian style, with some fondue of scamorza to add on top of the nachos, simply amazing home recipe. Full recipe: 200 ml. Water, 100 gr. semolina, 260 gr. flour, 10 gr. salt, 10gr. olive oil, 2 tablespoon tomato paste. please have your friend to subscribe to my channel every week new video. 👉BECOME A MEMBER AND GET IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH ME : ONLY $ italiano: Questa ricetta è super facile e veloce, oggi vi insegno come realizzare una mia invenzione: I PIZZA NACHOS o patatine sono super facili da rifare e non hanno b
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