RED - music video [Nemtsov/Horwitz/Schaal/Campesino/Sobremazas]

RED (2018/2019) – music video and cello solo (ad lib.) – as presentation, performance or installation – with music video alone (as it is here), in combination with cello solo, or as an installation with another second video * RED Team: Sarah Nemtsov – idea, concept, composition Heinrich Horwitz – concept, dramaturgy, choreography David Campesino and Javier Sobremazas – cinematography Carola Schaal – performance, clarinet Sonja Lena Schmid – cello * program note by Sarah Nemtsov: RED for music video and cello solo In 2015, I read about the London drummer Kiran Gandhi: for a year she had been training for the marathon, on the day of the marathon set her period. She decided against tampon or similar. and ran the marathon – without hiding the bleeding. Their action met with protest and approval and triggered discussions. Of course, this was not the beginning of these discussions and the topic is global – stigma, taboo, marginalization, impurity, period poverty, and recent movements like [hashtag] free bleeding,
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