What are 19th Century Calisthenics and Swedish Free Gymnastics? A Brief History & Introduction - E04

A short introduction to 19th Century Calisthenics and the system of Swedish “free“ gymnastics (often referred to today as the “Yoga of the West“) developed by Pehr Henrik Ling (1776-1839), which influenced countless aspects of 19th century physical culture in both Europe and America, as well as other calisthenic methods and the use of dumbbells, wands, and Indian clubs. This represents Day 3 of the “Getting Back in Shape“ experimental series using a variety of historical physical fitness methods to get back into shape. The previous video in the series can be viewed here: The next video, demonstrating 11 of the exercises, can be viewed here: If you want to know how and why we’re doing this series, I encourage you to watch the introductory video about it here: If you’re interested in historical (non-Swedish) calisthenic exercises, check out this other series on our channel, from 1914 and 1922:
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