Cyrillic Script introduction — History and Мodern type design movement in Ukraine [EN]

A talk I did for international audience in Geneva about the history of the Cyrillic script and about the modern movement of reviving and rethinking Cyrillic in Ukraine. This is my first try at posting a video in English. Sorry about my accent. If you would like me to continue, leave a comment, like the video and subscribe to my YouTube channel. This 20-min video is a very short introduction to the Cyrillic script for those who are new to it. This is why the lecture is in English, to make this lecture accessible to as wide audience as possible. Please share it to the designers, students and everybody, you think it will be interested. Thank you! In the lecture I used some pictures from an article by Oleg Matsuev and Maria Skopina. I strongly recommend reading their research on pre-reform Cyrillic script: and Vladimir Efimov’s essay on civil script reform Originally read: 20th of March 2022, Fondation Marti
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