9 | Create Virtual Machine with defined Software & Hardware Requirements

🔥 All Free Tutorials - How to create a Virtual Machine with defined Configurations How to add configurations for the VM in vagrantfile How to configure OS, Hardware, Software for VM How to validate that vagrantfile is valid How to create and setup the VM Create a Virtual machine with the following configuration Linux Centos 7 Operating System 1GB of Physical Memory 2 CPU Apache web server installed Port forwarding Guest 80 -> Host 8080 Shared directory between host and guest (vm) Let us create a Vagrantfile defining all of these requirement inside Step 1 - Create a new folder and create a vagrantfile vagrant init Step 2 - Open the vagrantfile in a text editor and add configurations Vagrantfile uses ruby syntax loads the Vagrant API version 2 and assign ... #RaghavPal #Get_started_with_Vagrant_by_defining_specific_configurations_for_your_virtual_machine #Create_a_tailor-made_virtual_machine_for_your_project_with_Vagrant’s_configuration_options #Get_started_with_Vagrant_by_defining_specific_configurations_for_your_virtual_machine. #Defining_software_and_hardware_for_a_virtual_machine 20230608 aqqyJxvzsag
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