LambdaTest Cypress Demo | How to run Cypress tests on LambdaTest

LambdaTest - All FREE courses - STEPS: Run Cypress tests on LamdaTest Step 1 - Install Step 2 - Open IDE (VS Code) Step 3 - Create a new folder for Cypress project | Open the folder in VS Code Step 4 - Open VS Code terminal & run command npm init -y Step 5 - Install Cypress npm install cypress | npx cypress -v Step 6 - Open Cypress npx cypress open Step 7 - Install lambdatest CLI npm install -g lambdatest-cypress-cli Step 8 - Create a sample LambdaTest Cypress configuration file lambdatest-cypress init Step 9 - Update LambdaTest credentials, browser, platform settings Step 10 - Run the test - lambdatest-cypress run Parallel Testing Way 1: Add to the command - -p or —parallels <number of parallel sessions> Example - lamb ... #RaghavPal #lambdatest_demo #lambdatest_tutorial #lambdatest_how_to_run_cypress_tests #how_to_use_lambdatest_to_run_cypress_tests #lambdatest_beginner_tutorials #lambdatest_tutorial_for_beginners #lambdatest_cypress_commands 20210629 XVamMvPgoH0
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