Proud to be a Brony [PMV] - BlackGryph0n

I wrote this song a while ago, but I never uploaded it to my youtube channel, so here it is!! This awesome PMV is by jhaller2. Give him some love!! Originally from my Deviant Art page: Download Song Here: I have a karaoke track available too. If anypony wants it, just message me your email address and I will send it to you! Thanks guys! Expect new song and animation soon! :3 LYRICS: A while ago if you would ask me what I watch in my spare time, No I probably wouldn’t tell you what was really on my mind. But lately I’ve been thinking of a reason I should hide FiM as if to mention it where painful, when it feels so good inside! Why can’t I mention Fluttershy and her timid loving mind, How she can be herself near animals, but shies away from her own kind? Why can'
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