Home Bar Basics: Lime Cordial (Natural Rose’s Lime)

For this episode of Home Bar Basics we try and create a Lime Cordial at home that has all the flavors but none of the chemicals of Rose’s Lime Cordial. That delicious but chemical laden Lime Cordial you find at most stores, and a lot of our first introduction (including my own) to Spirit modifiers (mixers). It is probable that Rose’s Lime was first created with all natural ingredients so in this video we try and create what it would have been back when it started. Roses Lime was created by a Scottish Entrepreneur Laughlin Rose in 1867 and was created to fill the need of the English Royal Navy. At that time the Navy had just figured out that limes were a great remedy for and great for warding off scurvy. If some of you don’t know Scurvy is a common disease contracted by people at sea brought on by a deficiency in Vitamin C. English Sailors were given a lime ration to drink which drinking by itself is god awful to some people, so Mr. Rose saw a need, created a sweetened juice to make it more
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