Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Hinted That Imam Ali ﵇ is an Actual Portal? | Sufi Meditation Center

I am the house of wisdom, and Ali is its door. Whosoever seeks knowledge, let them come through its door. Was Rasul Allah ﷺ hinting that Imam Ali ﵇ is actually a Spiritual Portal for knowledge seekers to enter through. In other narriations, one of the doors to the City of Lights, or City of Knowledge. Does his Zulfiqar symbolize the requirement of mindfulness (silent mind) to gain addmission into this portal? Find out how Sahabis and Awliya establish the spiritual foundation for one’s entry into these portals. Ana madinatu’l-ilm wa Ali babuha Q&A Talk Chapters : 00:00 How can we be por...tal to the heart of Prophet ﷺ? 07:57 Does Sayyidina Khidr (as) travel through portals and what’s the reality of Sayyidina Khidr (as) being present throughout time? 11:48 What’s the reality of Jabal Qaaf (Mount Qaaf)? Where is it located and function? 26:41 What’s the reality of the portal of holy Prophet ﷺ entering the cave with Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (as)? 30:42 Can holograms cause manifestation using the power of sound in the world of light? 34:49 When thoughts come that are dark or negative about others or about ourselves, can you talk about this waswas (whispering) in context of light and sound? 37:00 Is our future that is unknown to us is already manifested as amr (command) or still in Allah’s (AJ) will? 40:09 On the reality of sound, what are the effects of silent zikr and loud zikr? Recorded : 20220917 The Muhammadan Way is home to world-renowned Sufi Muslim teacher Shaykh Nurjan, exploring traditional Islamic realities and sciences of the soul. Gift To Shaykh: Want to see more? SUBSCRIBE! Please LIKE SHARE with all your friends loved ones to receive immense blessings! Join us LIVE with Shaykh Nurjan every Thursday, Friday, & Saturday evenings @ 19h30 [Pacific Standard Time (PST) / UTC -8] or [Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) / UTC -7]. ► Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi ► Android App: ► iPhone App: ► Facebook: ► SoundCloud: ► Telegram: ► Donate: Sign up for our Newsletter Become an official MEMBER receive special offers and gifts: We allow anyone to translate our content and re-share videos but the video must remain branded under Muhammadan Way (with original logo and channel link) with a link to our Youtube Page: - Thank you! jinn, end days, end times, energy, meditation, holy qur’an, sufism, islam, muslim, quran, muhammad, mohammad, mahdi, ali, imam, shaykh, mawlana, imam ali, imam mahdi, islamic, rumi, sufi, sunni, shia, jesus, surah, dua, sunnah, ahlul bayt, iman, ihsan, azan, god pill Secrets of the Blessed Sahabi and Ahlul Bayt - Sdn Abu Bakr (ع), Sdn. Umar (ع), Sdn Uthman (ع), Sdn Ali (ع), Sdn Imam Hasan (ع), Sdn Imam Hussein (ع), Sdn Fatima AzZahra (ع) #jinn #energy #sufism
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