Dream a little dream of me | Tribal Cabaret Bellydance

Нежная, утончённая, женственная хореография “Помечтай немного обо мне“ в стиле Томный Трайбл Хореография: mrs. Kragulets Танцоры: mrs. Kragulets, Мария Орлова Съёмка, монтаж: Viktoriya Zeis *** Delicate, sophisticated, feminine choreography “Dream a little dream of me”, Tribal Cabaret Bellydance Choreography: mrs. Kragulets Dancers: mrs. Kragulets, Maria Orlova Filming, editing: Viktoriya Zeis Music: “Dream a little fream of me“ by Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong Contacts: E-mail: iristribe@
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