The Black Marrows - Down The Rabbit Hole (Full Album)
The Black Marrows - Down The Rabbit Hole (Full Album)
Second Studio Album By The Black Marrows
1. Pretty Shiner 00:00
2. Annie 04:06
3. New Hole on my Belt 08:06
4. Shades of Grey 11:46
5. Down the Rabbit Hole 16:50
6. Imitation of Life 21:22
7. Fever 26:04
8. Twenty - Nine days 29:32
9. Streets of Gold 33:29
10. Manipulator 37:24
11. A Face in the Crowd 41:33
The Black Marrows :
Achi Kevlishvili - vocals, guitar
Giorgi Marr - guitar, backing vocals, keys
Goga Kakulia - bass
Achi Shioshvili - drums
All Songs Written By: Giorgi Marr © 2020
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