can you feel my heart ? | TWEWY AMV

“The higher I get, the lower I’ll sink I can’t drown my demons, they know how to swim.“ ---- Tadaa!!! LET’S GOOOOOO. I’m actually on an MEP hiatus so I’ve not been taking any new mep parts even though there are a lot that have tempted me. Which is a good thing because I still had an fx part I had to work on before doing this. It was only half a part too but me and my brother decided to binge Vinland Saga before he flies back home tomorrow so my evenings were a lot of…that instead of editing HAHA BUT OF COURSE I HAD TO DO MY TWEWY OF THE WEEK. I actually spent a while torn up on which song to do. Because so many things happened this episode such as Beat having his absolutely amazing digivolution moment. (While watching the digimon reboot, before every new digivolution the digidestined of the ep would have a flashback so from then on whenever someone has a flashback indicating a power upme and my sister go ’THEY’RE GOING TO DIGIVOLVE’). There was also. All. The. Neshiki. So I was like ’emotional Beat edit?’ or ’emotional Neshiki?!’. But then the Konishi fight and Minamimoto and Kitaniji stuff was really cool as well so I was like ’HOW DO I FIT IT ALL IN’. And I was trying to think of a song for a bout half an hour and then I went into my twewy editing playlist (yeah shoulda went there first pfft) and then saw this in it and thought ’….yes….YES EXACTLY’. So you got this and I think this is the happiest I’ve been with a twewy edit of the week :) Shoutout to Dicey and Lena for being around and helping out while I was trying to figure out which ’sound’ to do for the ’silence’ bit. And again because I’m indecisive and wasn’t sure which colouring to land on pfft. I forgot that mp4 and wmv render so differently lol Heavily inspired by WBelieveW’s vid (I swear half my inspo of everything comes from kh editors lol): This is one of those vids that I watch on a regular so yess glad to have finally tackled this song on my own. Okay editing stuff out of the way…THIS EPISODE. I’M SO HAPPY THEY GAVE BEAT HIS SHINE IN THIS ONE. DESERVE. HIS POWER UP. I’m weak for shonen moments…like power of friendship is one thing but power of friendship and bond between siblings…enough…leave me….I’m done. And then? AND THEN THEY HAD THE SHIKI REUNION? I had my bets that they were going to cut that out to save time and have her be reunion be her already controlled by Kitaniji. But they gave it to me. AND BLUSHING SHIKI. AND AWKWARD BEAT. AND THEN NEKU CARRIED HER? ARE YOU?? LITERALLY? BEAT SPOTLIGHT AND NESHIKI IN ONE EPISODE? YOU TRYING TO END ME? I’ve ascended. Oh Right I didn’t expect there to be a kabedon in twewy and if there was I never thought it would be Sho and Konishi but here we are. I laughed because the shot is really pretty/high tension but also lmao why. But it did make me flashback because I SWEAR I’ve seen a sho and konishi ship fanart before…in the recesses of my memory somewhere, this was a rarepair. Not my rarepair but someone’s. Somewhere…I hope they’re happy LOL Oh and new NEO trailer dropped today. I watched it even though I want to avoid spoilers because I KNOW that someone is gonna spoil me accidentally. I could feel it in my bones so I watched it. But I am avoiding all analysis/discussion on it so don’t talk to me about it hahaha. Demo comes out tomorrow so I’m ready for that! WOO. RIGHT. Song: If you’ve reached this point it’s time for SPOILERS FOR THE GAME WITH DINA. DO NOT CROSS HERE IF YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED/READ SECRET REPORTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . Also people reading this try and keep it out of comments so others won’t be spoiled too lol or keep it vague haha KITANIJI OTL he just wants to save Shibuya from the Composer man…but he’s doing it wrong ofc. I don’t think we’ll find out his entry fee but I’m so strongly leaning towards it being his love for the people of Shibuya. Because otherwise why would he try and damage the city he supposedly loves so much enough to challenge the Composer who he reveres? ;-; Also they do have a lot to cover next episode…so 8 minutes for final battle, 8 minutes the final showdown and then 8 minutes for the epilogue? Sounds reasonable. Also sounds like a lot when I break it down that way hahaha. Everyone form a prayer circle for us seeing RG Shiki’s face. I want to see RG’s Shiki face. If we don’t….they’re saving it for NEO so they get another chance in which I won’t come after them hahahaha Can’t wait for Neku to see RG Shiki and give us the signature reserved-for-Shiki smile that the anime has been churning out. Him having a specific smile…him carrying her…did the anime search the neshiki tumblr/twitter tag because they have given us a lot of stuff that we were like ’haha jk wouldn’t it be nice’. OH. AND WE BETTER SEE ADULT JOSHUA. I WANNA SEE IT. SHOW THE SCENE WITH HIM AND HANEKOMA ON THE ROOF. I wanna see Composer Joshua in anime form too.
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