Jean Joseph Xavier Bidauld art

Jean Joseph Xavier Bidauld art Music, André Rieu Jean Joseph Xavier Bidauld was born in Carpentras, Provence, and in 1768 moved to Lyon, where he studied until 1774 with his brother, the landscape and still life painter Jean Pierre Xavier Bidauld (1745-1813). In the later 1770s the brothers traveled to Switzerland, where they discovered the beauty and grandeur of the Swiss landscape and were exposed to the ideas of Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). By 1783 Bidauld was in Paris, where he met the great landscape painter Claude Joseph Vernet (1714-1789) and likely took lessons from him. A picture dealer and perfumier, M. Dulac, took Bidauld under his wing and employed him in copying and restoring works of the seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish schools. Dulac helped finance a trip to Italy that was also underwritten by the cardinal de Bernis. Bidauld arrived in Rome in November 1785, staying there for five years. During this time Bidauld made many trips into the Roman Campagna and furthe
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