LaseBVC - Bulk Volume Conveyor

At the measurement system LaseBVC – Bulk Volume Conveyor one LASE 2000D laser scanner is installed centrally above the conveyor belt across the conveying direction of the belt. Out of the obtained data a 2-dimensional profile of the bulk material is generated and by a previous zero-scan during the commissioning the profile of the empty belt is recorded. In conjunction with the belt speed the LASE CEWS application software is able to calculate the volume flow and material density precisely and outputs all results in a visualization and through several interfaces. By the usage of a high-resolution scanner with up to 300 scans per second the material will be recorded reliably; even at high transportation speed. Special algorithms for the adjustment and calibration assure a high accuracy, too. This robust system provided by LASE allows a safe operation even under raw environmental conditions. Benefits: - Exact volume measurement
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